Israel is dead. They have done this to themselves as spoiled lying bullying manipulating children throwing temper tantrums.
I have told you they fabricated much of their history as well as the jesus story.
Here is how I know:
according to the most popular game book rules, which the Israelites initiated, only 1 of 2 will have the key to the bottomless pit (of deception). The devil uses it to deceive the people, then Christ has it, and with a great chain (of truth) will bind the devil and lock him into the bottomless pit.
Here is the Key and I have it, So which am I?
Remember where this story originated!
You have a choice:
Admit to the fabricated stories and their deceptions
answer the question, which am I?
Regarding the name Israel, Jacob did not battle god and a man, he simply had a bad hip the river current threw out. He did not want the nomadic tribe to know for fear of being left behind for not carrying his own, As the others camped for the night on the other side of the river, Jacob tried to reset his hipe without witnesses. Noise of anguish and pain, he fabricated a story to exalt himself so that the nomadic tribe might not leave him behind. And those who went to check on him, fearing he was dead, were told the story and that his new name is Israel, And with this the name Israel does in fact mean to lie.
Many stories can easily be exposed with common sense. from the floating ax head to feeding the masses to even the lack of proof of the exodus path or even where Mount Sinai is.
However, there is the law of attraction.
A documentary
So which game piece of the Israelite fabricated game, Am I?
Or am I neither, proving the falseness of the stories?
Israel is Dead, the UN now knows it should never have been created.
Not only do I have the key but also the solutions to this greatly misdirected world.
Requires also correcting tech ind. fail
Ethics violation
moral violation
legal violation
It's Obvious.
Understand, there is no argument left, and there's a diminishing of misdirection. For the people of the planet have far more family, friends, and loved ones they will consider than what the false authoritarians have. And yet, even their's are individuals included in the nearly 8 billion population with an equal voice, not greater than any other.
Israel is NOT gods chosen, never was, not any more than all others.
In fact:
No religion monopolizes ethics, morals, goodwill, or teamwork generation of benefits shared. But they all have their monopoly on their means of division. only through christ - christians, the one true religion - islam, gods chosen - judaism, etc. proving they are all false.
Nor do Zionists, Athiest, or other non-religious organizations have any special access to what is the Zero-point Energy Field Media which today we do know exists everywhere and enables all things and things possible. It is the supporting media of quantum physics and enables intuition, telepathy, psychokinesis, remote viewing, the manifestation of events & things. and more, even transcending time.
Not to promote any works of misdirection, there is Corithrian chp. 13. Read it and know what it is expressing is literally true. Knowing it does not mean the rest of that book filled with misdirection is true.
There is an understanding of how and why religions came about, even expected but also that its time of misdirection is ending, also expected.
Add these two facets to the zero-point energy field media of seemingly unexplainable events and experiences.
And a 3rd link about misdirection tactics.
You'll have to find this link yourself in the links within the pages of
A final note: since Israel is so into stealing as expressed in
I dare you...go for it. I'm watching!
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